I continue to make progress and was able eat some solid food at each meal. The fatigue seems to be decreasing and medically everything is on track. I did receive a blood infusion today since my hemoglobin was low. Sometime in the near future I will share how many total infusions I received since I was diagnosed with AML (hint – a lot).
It was nice to have a friend from Corning visit today. They helped us out by bringing mail and magazines (thanks, Margot). It certainly helps to break up the day.
I watched the World Cup today. It was a well fought match but England lost to Croatia 1-2. I thought the game was exciting and look forward to the final on Sunday.
I exercised as normal, completing several miles in the hallways. In a couple of days I will try some upper body exercises with a theraband. I wanted to give the port in my chest some time to heal before I tried anything. The physical therapists here have provided some exercises to try out.
A couple of days ago I watched a season of the show “Alone”, where ten people are sent into the wilderness to survive on their own. They are only allowed to bring ten items with them. The goal is to last as long as you can and the last remaining survivor is awarded a large cash award. What amazed me about the show was the mental aspect. The mental challenge of being alone and away from their families wore on them just as much as the physical challenges of cold and hunger. It is a good lesson in preparation for any arduous tasking. A situation best prepared by adopting the traits of a running railroad spike.