
Good news from last week’s bone marrow biopsy! Initial results indicate that there are no abnormal blasts, which is a good thing.  We will have to wait for more information on how much of the transplanted cells my body has adopted. But, for now, that is an excellent indicator that things are progressing well. My counts are stable as well, residing in the expected ranges. Looking back at pre-transplant count levels I am now recovering twice as fast as compared to previous post-chemo sessions.

Another extremely warm day here, so just walked the stairs a couple of times to get a short workout in. To help keep me busy I am taking a course on Coursera.org. They have quite a wide offering of on-line courses available.



2 Replies to “D+31”

  1. Congrats on the bone marrow results!! That must be a great boost to your spirit and morale, and some extra endorphins can’t possibly hurt recovery too, right? 🙂

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