It is now been more than 5 months since my transplant. So far things are still going well. I received several infusions of Rituxin and my EBV level has dropped back down to negligible, so no more are required. My EBV level will be monitored on a weekly basis so in case it increases again it can be addressed. Last week I met with my transplant doctor at MSK and it was fairly routine. I will have my next biopsy done in the first week of January.
I recently celebrated a birthday (I won’t say which one since it is a large number). Nothing fancy, just a low key celebration at home with the family. I have to feel thankful that I am here to celebrate it. And, just like everyone else, we are busy getting ready for the holidays.
How about that Army-Navy game? I am looking forward to watching Army play Houston in the Armed Forces Bowl this coming weekend.