Vaccinations Have Arrived

The week prior to last I finished cycle #18 of chemo shots. I generally tolerate them well but do feel some fatigue during the cycle. This fatigue really became evident when I went for a lengthy hike with some friends in the Pennsylvania woods. It was a challenging ten mile hike with over 4,000 feet of elevation change. I made it through the hike, but I sure was dragging after the first climb.

This past week I returned to MSK for a vaccination workshop. I received six vaccinations – three to a side so my arms got a workout. I’ll have to repeat that for two more cycles in the near future. Then, more vaccinations, but just a couple more.

Let the Vaccinations Begin!

It has been a very long road but my immune system steadily crawled back from zero to a point where I can start getting revaccinated. The process will take several months and they won’t introduce any live viruses until two years after transplant. The first set of vaccinations will be done at MSK, while most of the remainder can be locally completed.