Today marks one quarter of the way to the 100 day milestone. According to the standard plan only 75 more days here before I get to go home. I had a blood draw today. Counts are fluctuating as expected but everything is considered normal. I am experiencing some chemo side effects such as some minor rashes, but that will go away eventually.
We did swing by the hospital seventh floor in order to pick up some held mail fo me. One of the items required for discharge is a medical alert tag that you wear that specifies the type of blood that can be infused if you get into an accident or something. My tag was delivered so now I have that in hand.
After my appointment my brother and I went on a destination walk to the Orvis shop. It was a healthy walk and of course I had to wear a mask, but I kept my hands in my pockets in order not to wear the gloves and sweat an additional bucket. I am not a fly fisherman, but it was good just to go somewhere and look at outdoor items. We did discover that Orvis hosted fly fishing classes in Central Park so perhaps that is something I can take advantage of in the future.